Beatriz Eugenia Lizama Soberanis

Científica, Investigadora, desarrolladora tecnológica y madre viuda. Emprendedora y amante de la naturaleza.

Although I am a widow currently raising my beautiful 23-year-old son, I remain optimistic about the future. I have pursued studies in Chemistry, Administration, Materials Science, and I am currently delving into Mexican Folk Medicine. My blog serves as a means of communicating with humanity, documenting the decisions made during this transitional period as one era ends and another begins. The changes taking place and the new lifestyle proposal on another planet all begin with spiritual order, conveyed daily through a specialized communication system. This spiritual guidance serves to materialize the actions for a new earthly life and a unique migration to another planet. The blog will stand as a testament to humanity, providing insight into the decision-making processes of the immaterial beings coordinating the planet’s migration.

-Beatriz Eugenia Lizama Soberanis-

Yo soy besstosh

Bienvenido a mi blog! ¿Sabes que hay una vida paralela desenvolviéndose en el mundo espiritual y que influye en tu vida material cotidiana? Pues si, desarrollé un nuevo método basado en un nuevo tipo de energía de amor, que me permite poder participar en la vida espiritual. Lo que veo y siento, te lo comunico aquí en el blog. ¿Quieres aprender a leer el nuevo lenguaje espiritual? Contáctame.

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